Availability : In Stock

What is FRP

FRP manhole cover stands for Fiber Reinforced Polymer manhole cover. It is a type of cover used to seal and protect manholes in various applications such as drainage, sewage systems, and telecommunication networks. FRP manhole covers are made of a composite material that consists of a reinforced polymer matrix (usually resin) and fibers (typically glass, carbon, or basalt) that provide strength and durability to the cover.

Product Features

  • Load-bearing capacity: FRP manhole covers have a high load-bearing capacity and can support heavy weights without cracking or breaking. The exact load-bearing capacity will depend on the specific product and size, but it is typically measured in tons.
  • Non-slip surface: To ensure safety, FRP manhole covers are designed with a non-slip surface that provides traction even in wet or slippery conditions. This helps prevent accidents and makes the covers suitable for areas with heavy foot or vehicle traffic.
  • Customization options: FRP manhole covers can be customized to meet specific requirements. This includes different sizes, shapes, colours, and designs. Customization options can also include features such as branding, logos, or text.
  • Sizes and shapes: FRP manhole covers come in a range of sizes and shapes to fit different types of manholes, inspection chambers, and drainage systems. Common shapes include circular, square, and rectangular, and sizes can range from small residential covers to large industrial covers.

450 x 600


Clear Open Cover Size Frame Size Frame Height Cover Thick ness

Weight in KG




2.5 2.5T 450x600 500x650 568x718 37 22 9 18
5 5T 450x600 500x650 568x718 37 22 9 18
12.5 B125 450x600 513x663 606x756 52 30 13 28
25 C250 450x600 538x688 654x804 73 40 22 33
40 D400 450x600 538x655 654x804 73 40 22 33


450 x 900


Clear Open Cover Size Frame Size Frame Height Cover Thick ness

Weight in KG




2.5 2.5T 450x900 505x956 580x1030 43 25 11 32
5 5T 450x900 505x956 580x1030 43 25 11 32
12.5 B125 450x900 516x962 606x1056 52 30 16 43
25 C250 450x900 532x982 646x1096 70 43 22 54
40 D400 450x900 536x986 668x1116 80 45 29 56


600 x 900


Clear Open Cover Size Frame Size Frame Height Cover Thick ness

Weight in KG




2.5 2.5T 600x900 658x956 745x1045 56 30 15 42
5 5T 600x900 658x958 745x1045 56 30 15 42
12.5 B125 600x900 661x961 750x1050 62 40 18 50
25 C250 600x900 682x982 798x1098 70 43 25 72
40 D400 600x900 686x986 816x1116 80 45 32 78


900 x 1200


Clear Open Cover Size Frame Size Frame Height Cover Thick ness

Weight in KG




2.5 2.5T 900x1200 971x(635x2) 1070x1370 65 40 33 54x2
5 5T 900x1200 971x(635x2) 1070x1370 65 40 33 54x2
12.5 B125 900x1200 971x(635x2) 1070x1370 65 40 33 62x2
25 C250 900x1200 1007x(652x2) 1148x1448 85 45 68 84x2
40 D400 900x1200 1007x(652x2) 1148x1448 85 45 68 84x2

High strength to weight ratio

Easy handling

high life span

thermal and electrical non conductivity

u.v. stabilized

abrasion resistance

high corrosion resistance

free from theft

resistance to extreme temperature

Eco friendly

chemical abrasion and slip resistance

no required periodical painting for maintenance

Water proof and weather proof

Light Weight